Friday, December 12, 2008

Making a 5 year old work is....????

So instead of just buying Austin a new DS, we are making him work for the money. He filled our wood box yesterday and he is supposed to rake leaves at Grandma's. We are giving him a little bit of money every time he does something that he doesn't normally do. Our hope is that making him work for the money will teach him a little more respect for his games. This has been a difficult task, he complains more than he works but he still got the job done!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kids Are...???

You finish the title! Austin (my wonderful child) likes to play his Nintendo DS while he is in the bathroom. Well I knew it was bound to happen sometime, He dropped the DS in the toilet. Needless to say, It no longer works. So now do I buy him a new one for Christmas or not? Let me know what you think!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

As you can see, we have Spiderman, A Sweet Princess and an insane hairstylist! It was a blast. Most people thought my blood was real! We went to our wards trunk or treat were they had soup and desert. You can also see my Mandy doll that was part of our decoration. After the trunk or treat we ended up at Uncle Clints for some unknown reason. We then came home and watched The Hulk. Finally at 2 we went to bed. It was a fabulous night!

Into The Woods!

Jason and I went to see Into The Woods on Saturday Nov. 1. It was sooooooooo good. The actors were excellent. Of course they are not as good as the movie (especially Bernedette Peters). The wolf wasn't that great though. I would see it again if I could afford it. If any of you get a chance, you should see it!

Monday, October 27, 2008

First Steps

Hailee has finally taken her first steps by herself!!!! She will only take 3 then she falls. She seems to little to be walking but she is 15 months old. I'm so sad that she is my last child and she's growing up too fast. I don't have any video because every time she walks the camera's battery is dead. Maybe soon I will have some to post!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Austin Playing soccer

Austin started soccer last week. He is enjoying it.
One of the pictures he is showing his other shirt to the coach. It's a Mario Kart shirt.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Spaghetti Head!

I just thought this was cute. We had spaghetti for dinner one night. Hailee may not have been as hungry as we thought she was! Here is what she did!
By the way there are now pics of Hailee's b-day!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Family Update!

Well alot has changed in just a few weeks. Jason has found a new job with his brother. He is installing windows in houses and he loves it! Jason is also going back to church and even reading the Book of Mormon!
Austin is doing very well in Kindergarten and has alot of friends! He finally got to go bowling and absolutely loved it!
Hailee is doing very well, she's not walking yet but she is standing mostly on her own. We expect her to be walking very soon. Her top teeth still have not come through and hopefully they will before they rot.
Christi is still working on her own and loves it. It is finally getting busy.
Since Jason quit his job with Hertz, we had to get another car. We got a cute Honda Accord. It's a 1989 but in very good condition and runs extremely well. Too bad now we have to pay for gas.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well Ausitn started Kindergarten on August 4th. How sad. I enjoy it because it gets him out of my hair for a few hours. I enjoyed pre-school more because it was a full day, now he's only half day. He loves it though. Some of his friends from pre-school are in his class. Now he gets to make new friends!!!! I can't believe how fast they grow up. He's getting so independent also. That's hard. Oh well I can't stop him from growing up :(

Unfortunately this is the year the school turns them into sales people. Too bad for him, His Mother is not a sales person at all. We may not sell many of these Happenings books, Oh well.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Twilight series

Ok, So I have now read all the books in the Twilight series. SOOOOOOOO good!!!! I read the last one in 4 days. Needless to say my kids were igonored a little bit. If anyone has not read them, they should. I'm not going to give anything away though.

Let me know what you think about the series(especially the las one)!!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I thought it would be interesting to see what things you remember about our family.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember as long as it's nice;)!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.Come and play

Saturday, July 19, 2008

1 going on 12

Hailee is now 1. I can't believe it. She is getting 4 teeth on the top all at once. She had an awesome birthday, Thanks to those that came! I love everything she got! Especially the ice cream from Logan! I'll post pics as soon as I get them off my camera or as soon as Jason gets them off.

As far as what else is going on, Our Cat (Garfield) died on Thursday. Never give a 5 year old a cat. They lock them in things and don't tell anyone. Austin locked the cat in his food container and we didn't know, we had gone to the store and when we got home I asked Austin to feed the dog and the cat. Well, He came to me and said "Mom, the cat is dead". I didn't believe him so I had to check it out, sure enough the cat was dead. It was very sad. We waited up for Jason to bury him.
I am not sure Austin understands that Garfield is not coming back. How do you explain death to a 5 year old, Any suggestions?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Guess who's crawling?

On saturday June 21, Hailee found something she really wanted. A peice of paper. She got on her knees and started crawling towards it. If I can figure out how to get the video on here I will put it on!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Vacation in Wisconsin

We had a blast in Wisconsin. Hailee loved the swings at the park and Austin would not get off the go karts. I can't get a slideshow to work right now so maybe one way or another you will get to see more of the pictures!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Hailee's First Haircut

Hailee recieved her first Haircut! She only had some hair on the top of her head so we evened it out! Meaning we shaved her bald! Austin took the pictures, He did good!

Family Fun Weekend

As you can see, we got a small pool. We got Hailee the little boat and she did not like the water!
Austin took over the pink boat and we could not get him out of it! I guess we should have gotten him a blue or green one, oh well, he can be the princess now!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Our fitness Program

Ok, So we got the wii fit and I am sore! We have used it everyday since we got it. It gives you an age, I assume its how lazy you are, but my age is 42. Apparently I need to get off my butt more! We also got the wee ski with it. That is kind of fun. Different but fun!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jason's Calling!

Jason had a meeting with the Bishop on Sunday. He is the second head master in the scouts now. He is also receiving the priesthood ( when he can get to church and get set apart). I'm so happy for him!

We also are working on a big accomplishment! We are quitting smoking. We may need a little more help than we thought. Please keep us in your prayers!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

9 months old :(

I can't believe how fast time flies. Hailee is now 9 months old and finally getting teeth. She is very grumpy with this new change. She is also sitting up now and may be crawling before we know it. She lifts her bum in the air now but no movement yet.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Austin's New Friend!

The family was having a hard time with Cody gone. So we did some reading and found out that the best family dog is a boxer.

They are very gentel with kids, but very protective of them.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Austin's Alien

I'm not sure where this story came from but I thought it was cute so I decided to share it with you! I hope it gives you a good laugh. Sorry about the lighting, I didn't have time to mess with it. I just wanted to get his story.

Monday, March 17, 2008

In loving memory of Cody

Cody was hit by a car on Mar 17th. He had more than likely broken his back and had internal bleeding. We had no choice but to put him to sleep. He will be missed.
He was a very good dog and really great with the kids.
Now that Cody is gone, We have to clean Hailee's face, and eat all our food! ;)

Austin's Birthday

Austin turned 5 on march 14th. Can you believe it? We did a little party at his school, all the kids loved it. That night we went to Mcdonalds and let him play.
As you can see he got a new bike that he loves. He tried to ride it in the snow.
He also got Mario Party DS, and we can't get him away from that.

P.S. he does have a helmet, this was just a test to see if he could ride the bike! :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sleepy Head

Hailee fell asleep in her bouncer, poor thing.

My cute Kids

Austin and Hailee, aren't they the cutest?
Austin will be turning 5 on Friday. Hailee will be 8 months on Thursday.
Austin is in pre-school right now, he loves it. He will be starting kindergarten in August.

I'm Free!

Well, I am no longer working for anyone but myself! Its great. Hopefully it gets busier really soon!

Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm finally up to date with the World

I finally am starting a Blog of my own!!!! Hopefully I can remember to keep it up!